
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Week in Review: 1/12/19

Welcome to the end of the second week of 2019!  It was an interesting week, with multiple projects being partway done but not a lot of new content to announce yet.  I made some contributions to larger articles, with the links below!

New Articles
What Luke's Reading

  • The Way We Live Now by Susan Jacoby
  • Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch
  • Justice League: No Justice
  • Gideon Falls #9
  • Outpost Zero #5
  • Lodger #3
  • Transformers: Historia
  • No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam by Reza Aslan
  • Shadows Over Innistrad: Collected Stories compiled by Kimberly J. Kreines

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

From the Vault: "So Your Kids Want to Read Science Fiction, Part 3"

Welcome to the next installment of From the Vault!  I spent quite a bit of time writing articles related to fiction, especially genre fiction.  Many of these are no longer available on their original websites, and exist only on my hard drive.  "From the Vault" is a place to share some of these older articles that have had their rights revert back to me since publication.  Please note, many of these are 5-10 years old, and have not been edited since their original publication; I apologize for any spelling and grammar errors!

Today, we reach the final installment of the original series of articles on kid's science fiction.  However, due to strong reader response, two more articles followed later on.

So Your Kids Want to Read Science Fiction, Part 3

By Luke Forney

For the past two weeks, we have been taking a look at some fiction that would be great entry points for young readers into science fiction.  Not all of the choices were widely loved during their original releases, but this writer thinks that all of them hold that certain trait that draws in new readers, and even more importantly keeps them exploring genre fiction long after the reader’s first foray is over.  I had planned on making this a three part piece (of which this would be the final part), but far too many wonderful works of science fiction are out there for this to end.  Look for “So Your Kids Want to Read Science Fiction” to pop up semi-regularly, perhaps once a month or so.  There is little more important to the genre than the future of readers and the birth of a new generation of fans.

So far, we have looked at six points of exploration for young readers new to science fiction: Ray Bradbury, K.A. Applegate’s Animorphs series, the Heinlein Juveniles, Madeleine L’Engle’s Time Quartet, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the X-Men.  Each of these choices is fairly different from each of the others, but they all bring a lot to the table, including high appeal to readers of all ages.  Now, we will take a look at three more places for young readers to dive right in.

7)  Isaac Asimov

This section is very near and dear to this writer’s heart.  Outside of some forgotten children’s books that perhaps helped form my leanings but didn’t create any roots, it was Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot that first introduced me to the world of science fiction.  After devouring I, Robot, the Foundation series followed, along with books of short stories, stand-alone novels, and I. Asimov, which first introduced the writer to the broader world of science fiction, and the science fiction community that had been growing and creating itself for decades.  Asimov was brilliant in both fiction and non-fiction, always telling his stories without elaborate flourishes, yet infusing them with his wit, charm, and an over-flowing sense of humor.  His stories are also perfect for new readers, as they encompass the true power and sense of wonder that is science fiction at its greatest, and puts it all in plots that are fast-paced without necessarily being full of action or, even less likely in Asimov’s work, violence.  Instead, especially with the Robot stories and Foundation series, he creates complex puzzles that are both caused and solved by the specific intellectual framework of his dual series, the Three Laws of Robotics and Hari Seldon’s Psychohistory, respectively.  Readers will never forgot the robot forever running back and forth on a deserted planet in one of the stories in I, Robot, the chilling conclusion of “Robot Dreams,” or the transcendental evil of the Mule when he first exploded on the scene in Foundation and Empire.  Asimov represents the best that science fiction has to offer, and his unbelievably large body of work leaves a vast treasure trove for new readers to explore.

8)  Gary Paulsen’s The Transall Saga

Gary Paulsen is much better known for his works of children’s and young adult’s outdoors fiction, such as Hatchet.  However, Paulsen also writes the occasional young adult science fiction tale, such as The Time Hackers and The White Fox Chronicles.  The best of these side-trips in Paulsen’s writing, however, is The Transall Saga.  Seemingly heavily influenced by H.G. Wells’ The Time Machine and Pierre Boulle’s La Planète des singes (translated as The Planet of the Apes.  Yes, that Planet of the Apes.  Likely the most important science fiction novel to come out of France since Jules Verne), the novel follows Mark as he, in a scene right out of the beginning of A Princess of Mars, disappears from the middle of a dessert on Earth, and reappears on a strange planet.  The story is high on excitement, as all readers who enjoy Paulsen would expect, and it has a lot of fun with different science fiction tropes.  Whether all of the seeming allusions to famous science fiction scenes is intentional or simply the over-using of genre conventions, it all adds together to be great fun for young science fiction readers.

9)  Lois Lowry’s The Giver

A bit of a modern classic (and incredibly controversial at times, which, one might suppose, is simply another requirement to be a classic), Lois Lowry’s The Giver made a huge impact on the writer of this article.  The incredibly dark scenes work brilliantly as counter-points to the too perfect scenes elsewhere.  Lowry handles the telling of of the story brilliantly, giving out new information about the “utopia” as the novel moves along.  The characters are rich, the fall out of the truth is painful to the extreme, and the book winds up being one that you won’t read only once, and that will reverberate in your mind and imagination for a long, long time.  The Giver ran the gauntlet of angry parents, yet still managed to round up all of the awards, is taught in schools, and is one of the best science fiction novels, young adult or not, of the past 20 years.  Give this short novel to a young reader, and you will do them and their imagination a world of good.

This article was originally published on October 7, 2011 at Digital Science Fiction's website as part of my series So Your Kids Want to Read Science Fiction.  Text copyright Luke Forney.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Week in Review: 1/5/19

Welcome to 2019!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and are ready to dive back into the new year.  Things are going to be looking a little bit different here, and I'm really excited about the changes.  At the end of each week, a quick recap of the week will be popping up on the site, and will be your one stop shop for all of my content, as well as updates on upcoming projects and exciting new news.  In the coming weeks, I'll be sharing with you some cool new projects I'm working on, along with new content from other sites I write for.  Hold on tight, because 2019 promises to be an exciting year!

New Articles
What Luke's Reading
  • Sword Princess Amaltea, Volume 1
    • By Natalia Batista
  • Oath of the Gatewatch: Collected Stories
    • Compiled by Kimberly J. Kreines
  • Flash Fiction Online
    • January 2019
  • Atomic Empire
    • Written by Thierry Smolderen
    • Art by Alexandre Clérisse
    • Translated by Edward Gauvin
  • Black Hammer Library Edition, Volume 1: Secret Origins & The Event
    • Written by Jeff Lemire
    • Art by Dean Ormston, et al.
  • Robotech Archives: The Macross Saga, Volume 1
    • Written by Mike Baron, Jack Herman, and Carl Macek
    • Pencils by Neil D. Vokes, Svea Stauch, Reggie Byers, Dave Johnson, and Mike Leeke
    • Inks by Ken Steacy, Phil Lasorda, Rich Rankin, Tom Poston, Jeff Dee, Chris Kalnick, and Sam Keith
  • Dark Metro: The Ultimate Edition
    • Written by Tokyo Calen
    • Art by Yoshiken

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

December Article Review

It's been a busy December! Beyond finishing grad school (FINALLY!), the holidays, everyone in my household getting sick, and preparing for more school (I clearly didn't learn my lesson), I've also had some new content going up.  Rather than blasting on here every time something happened, I saved up my most recent articles to hit you all at once!  If you haven't yet, I hope you'll give these a look!

  • "Dragons, Wasps, Low Roads, and Darkness in Comic Book Corner" can be read here.
  • "Action and Excitement Galore in Comic Book Corner," the all-Luke CBC, can be read here.
  • "Luke's Graphic Novel Picks of the Month: January 2019" kicked off a new monthly feature for me over at GeekDad.  Check it out here!
  • "What Luke's Reading: December 2018" is the final installment of the series. Read the swan song here.
Thank you for reading!  Keep your eyes peeled for more exciting things coming this way in 2019!